Lactación máxima | Lactation peak |
Lactómetro | Milk gauge, milk tester |
Lata de leche, bote de leche | Milk tin |
Leche a granel | Bulk milk |
Leche a granel | Loose milk, milk in bulk |
Leche acidificada | Soured milk |
Leche adulterada | Adulterated milk |
Leche agria, leche cortada | Sour milk |
Leche aguada | Adulterated milk |
Leche aromatizada | Flavoured milk |
Leche azucarada condensada | Sweerened condensed milk |
Leche clarificada, purificada | Clarifield milk |
Leche coagulada, leche cuajada | Curdled milk |
Leche comercial, leche liquida | Market milk, fluid milk |
Leche compensada, rellena, reconstituida | Filled milk (From which its natural fat has been removed and replaced with another fat) |
Leche completamente grasa | Full-fat milk |
Leche concentrada | Concentrated milk |
Leche condensada | Condensed milk |
Leche congelada pasteurizada | Fresh frozen milk (Pasteurized and treated with an ultrasonic vibrator for long preservation) |
Leche conservada | Preserved milk |
Leche cruda, leche sin hervir | Raw milk (uncooked milk) |
Leche cuajada azucarada | Curds and whey |
Leche cuajada blanda | Soft curd milk |
Leche cuajada, cuajo | Junket |
Leche cuajada, leche coagulada | Set milk (spontaneous, naturaily soured milk) |
Leche de bajo contenido graso | Low-fat milk |
Leche de buena calidad | Graded milk |
Leche de búfala | Buffalo’s milk (product from bubalus bubalis) |
Leche de burra | Ass’s milk |
Leche de cabra, leche de caprinos | Goat’s milk (product from capra hircus) |
Leche de camella | Camel’s milk (product from camelus sp.) |
Leche de carabaos | Carabaos’milk (philippines) |
Leche de destete | Follow-up” milk, weaning milk (to cover nutritional needs of infants) |
Leche de enjuague, leche aclarada | Rinse milk |
Leche de goteo, leche por goteo | Drip milk |
Leche de la jornada, leche del mismo día | New milk |
Leche de la tarde | Evening milk |
Leche de larga conservación | Ultra-high-temperature milk, uht milk, long-keeping milk |
Leche de larga conservación, larga duración, inalterable | Long-keeping milk |
Leche de mujer | Human milk |
Leche de quesería | Cheese milk |
Leche de tina | Vat milk |
Leche de vaca | Cow’s milk |
Leche de vacas con ubre inflamada | Garget milk |
Leche de yegua | Mare’s milk (product from equus caballus) |
Leche desnatada | Defatted milk |
Leche desnatada | Non-fat milk |
Leche desnatada | Separated milk |
Leche desnatada concentrada | Condensed skim-milk |
Leche desnatada concentrada no azucarada y no esterilizada | Plain condensed skim-milk |
Leche desnatada condensada azucarada | Sweetened condensed skim-milk |
Leche desnatada desecada por cilindros secadores | Roller skim-milk powder |
Leche desnatada en polvo | Dried skim milk |
Leche desnatada en polvo | Non-fat dry milk, skimmed milk powder, dried skim milk |
Leche desnatada, descremada, en polvo | Skim milk powder, dry skim-milk |
Leche desnatada, descremada, magra | Skim-milk, skimed milk |
Leche embotellada | Bottled milk |
Leche en deposito, leche almacenada | Milk in storage |
Leche en polvo | Milk powder, powdered milk |
Leche en polvo reconstituida | Reconstitured dried milk |
Leche en polvo rica en grasa | High-fat milk powder |
Leche en polvo soluble, leche instantánea | Instant milk powder |
Leche en polvo, leche desecada | Dried milk |
Leche enriquecida | Enriched milk |
Leche entera | Whole milk, full cream milk |
Leche entera concentrada | Full cream milk |
Leche entera condensada | Condensed whole milk |
Leche entera desecada | Full cream milk powder |
Leche entera en polvo | Whole milk powder |
Leche entera en polvo, leche entera deshidratada | Dry whole milk |
Leche entera en polvo, polvo de leche entera | Dried full cream milk, dry whole milk |
Leche escamosa | Flaky milk |
Leche esterilizada | Sterilized milk |
Leche evaporada desnatada | Evaporated skim milk |
Leche evaporada y condensada | Evaporated unsweetened, condensed milk |
Leche fermentada | Cultured milk (milk soured with starter) |
Leche fermentada | Fermented milk, cultured milk |
Leche forrajera, leche para la alimentación de animales | Fodder milk |
Leche fresca | Fresh milk (liquid milk) |
Leche fresca, leche recién ordeñada | Fresh from the cow milk |
Leche garantizada | Safe milk (pasteurized) |
Leche genuina, leche entera | Genuine milk (should contain not less than 3% fat and not less than 8,5% solids) |
Leche grumosa, borujosa | Lumpy milk |
Leche helada | Ice milk |
Leche helada, enfriada | Ice- cooled milk, chilled milk |
Leche homogeneizada | Homogenized milk (Pasteurized milk forced under high pressure to break the fat globules into tiny droplets) |
Leche humanizada, maternizada | Humanized milk (Cow’s milk that has its composition modifield to resemble human milk) |
Leche inmunizada | Immune milk |
Leche liofilizada | Freeze-dried milk |
Leche liquida | Liquid milk |
Leche macerada | Macerated milk (kefin) |
Leche malteada | Malt milk, malted milk |
Leche natural condensada | Plain condensed milk (a concentrated whole milk, not sterilized) |
Leche normalizada | Standarized milk |
Leche para beneficencia | Welfare milk |
Leche para lactantes, para niños pequeños | Infant milk |
Leche parcialmente desnatada | Partly skimmed milk |
Leche parcialmente desnatada | Semi-skim milk |
Leche pasteurizada | Pasteurized milk |
Leche peptonizada | Peptonized milk |
Leche rancia | Rancid milk |
Leche recombinada | Recombined milk |
Leche sabrosa, leche apetitosa | Palatable milk |
Leche semidesnatada | Half-cream milk (fat reduced milk for infant feeding) |
Leche sin azúcar, no azucarada | Unsweetened milk |
Leche sometida a tratamiento térmico | Heat-treated milk |
Leche tonificada, entonada, rebajada | Toned milk |
Leche tratada con irradiación, leche irradiada | Irradiated milk (milk subjected to ultra-violet light to develop vitamin D) |
Leche viscosa | Ropy milk (defect) |
Leche vitaminizada | Vitamin-fortified milk |
Leche, leche fortificada | Fortified milk (enriched milk) |
Lechería; Lácteos; Tambo (granja lechera) | Dairy |
Levadura de suero de leche | Yeast of whey |
Lipólisis, disociación de la grasa | Lipolysis, splitting of fat |