Diccionario de Lácteos Español Inglés Letra-L

Lactación máximaLactation peak
LactómetroMilk gauge, milk tester
Lata de leche, bote de lecheMilk tin
Leche a granelBulk milk
Leche a granelLoose milk, milk in bulk
Leche acidificadaSoured milk
Leche adulteradaAdulterated milk
Leche agria, leche cortadaSour milk
Leche aguadaAdulterated milk
Leche aromatizadaFlavoured milk
Leche azucarada condensadaSweerened condensed milk
Leche clarificada, purificadaClarifield milk
Leche coagulada, leche cuajadaCurdled milk
Leche comercial, leche liquidaMarket milk, fluid milk
Leche compensada, rellena, reconstituidaFilled milk (From which its natural fat has been removed and replaced with
another fat)
Leche completamente grasaFull-fat milk
Leche concentradaConcentrated milk
Leche condensadaCondensed milk
Leche congelada pasteurizadaFresh frozen milk (Pasteurized and treated with an ultrasonic vibrator for
long preservation)
Leche conservadaPreserved milk
Leche cruda, leche sin hervirRaw milk (uncooked milk)
Leche cuajada azucaradaCurds and whey
Leche cuajada blandaSoft curd milk
Leche cuajada, cuajoJunket
Leche cuajada, leche coaguladaSet milk (spontaneous, naturaily soured milk)
Leche de bajo contenido grasoLow-fat milk
Leche de buena calidadGraded milk
Leche de búfalaBuffalo’s milk (product from bubalus bubalis)
Leche de burraAss’s milk
Leche de cabra, leche de caprinosGoat’s milk (product from capra hircus)
Leche de camellaCamel’s milk (product from camelus sp.)
Leche de carabaosCarabaos’milk (philippines)
Leche de desteteFollow-up” milk, weaning milk (to cover nutritional needs of infants)
Leche de enjuague, leche aclaradaRinse milk
Leche de goteo, leche por goteoDrip milk
Leche de la jornada, leche del mismo díaNew milk
Leche de la tardeEvening milk
Leche de larga conservaciónUltra-high-temperature milk, uht milk, long-keeping milk
Leche de larga conservación, larga duración, inalterableLong-keeping milk
Leche de mujerHuman milk
Leche de queseríaCheese milk
Leche de tinaVat milk
Leche de vacaCow’s milk
Leche de vacas con ubre inflamadaGarget milk
Leche de yeguaMare’s milk (product from equus caballus)
Leche desnatadaDefatted milk
Leche desnatadaNon-fat milk
Leche desnatadaSeparated milk
Leche desnatada concentradaCondensed skim-milk
Leche desnatada concentrada no azucarada y no esterilizadaPlain condensed skim-milk
Leche desnatada condensada azucaradaSweetened condensed skim-milk
Leche desnatada desecada por cilindros secadoresRoller skim-milk powder
Leche desnatada en polvoDried skim milk
Leche desnatada en polvoNon-fat dry milk, skimmed milk powder, dried skim milk
Leche desnatada, descremada, en polvoSkim milk powder, dry skim-milk
Leche desnatada, descremada, magraSkim-milk, skimed milk
Leche embotelladaBottled milk
Leche en deposito, leche almacenadaMilk in storage
Leche en polvoMilk powder, powdered milk
Leche en polvo reconstituidaReconstitured dried milk
Leche en polvo rica en grasaHigh-fat milk powder
Leche en polvo soluble, leche instantáneaInstant milk powder
Leche en polvo, leche desecadaDried milk
Leche enriquecidaEnriched milk
Leche enteraWhole milk, full cream milk
Leche entera concentradaFull cream milk
Leche entera condensadaCondensed whole milk
Leche entera desecadaFull cream milk powder
Leche entera en polvoWhole milk powder
Leche entera en polvo, leche entera deshidratadaDry whole milk
Leche entera en polvo, polvo de leche enteraDried full cream milk, dry whole milk
Leche escamosaFlaky milk
Leche esterilizadaSterilized milk
Leche evaporada desnatadaEvaporated skim milk
Leche evaporada y condensadaEvaporated unsweetened, condensed milk
Leche fermentadaCultured milk (milk soured with starter)
Leche fermentadaFermented milk, cultured milk
Leche forrajera, leche para la alimentación de animalesFodder milk
Leche frescaFresh milk (liquid milk)
Leche fresca, leche recién ordeñadaFresh from the cow milk
Leche garantizadaSafe milk (pasteurized)
Leche genuina, leche enteraGenuine milk (should contain not less than 3% fat and not less than 8,5%
Leche grumosa, borujosaLumpy milk
Leche heladaIce milk
Leche helada, enfriadaIce- cooled milk, chilled milk
Leche homogeneizadaHomogenized milk (Pasteurized milk forced under high pressure to break the
fat globules into tiny droplets)
Leche humanizada, maternizadaHumanized milk (Cow’s milk that has its composition modifield to resemble
human milk)
Leche inmunizadaImmune milk
Leche liofilizadaFreeze-dried milk
Leche liquidaLiquid milk
Leche maceradaMacerated milk (kefin)
Leche malteadaMalt milk, malted milk
Leche natural condensadaPlain condensed milk (a concentrated whole milk, not sterilized)
Leche normalizadaStandarized milk
Leche para beneficenciaWelfare milk
Leche para lactantes, para niños pequeñosInfant milk
Leche parcialmente desnatadaPartly skimmed milk
Leche parcialmente desnatadaSemi-skim milk
Leche pasteurizadaPasteurized milk
Leche peptonizadaPeptonized milk
Leche ranciaRancid milk
Leche recombinadaRecombined milk
Leche sabrosa, leche apetitosaPalatable milk
Leche semidesnatadaHalf-cream milk (fat reduced milk for infant feeding)
Leche sin azúcar, no azucaradaUnsweetened milk
Leche sometida a tratamiento térmicoHeat-treated milk
Leche tonificada, entonada, rebajadaToned milk
Leche tratada con irradiación, leche irradiadaIrradiated milk (milk subjected to ultra-violet light to develop vitamin D)
Leche viscosaRopy milk (defect)
Leche vitaminizadaVitamin-fortified milk
Leche, leche fortificadaFortified milk (enriched milk)
Lechería; Lácteos; Tambo (granja lechera)Dairy
Levadura de suero de lecheYeast of whey
Lipólisis, disociación de la grasaLipolysis, splitting of fat